Friday, May 1, 2009

I was Inertia

They say change is the only constant, but I am not as much convinced, or convinced I may be but I don’t like the idea. Is it strange? Why would it be when I am inertia? And moreover I consider it normal given the degree of self confidence I have. Oh yes, self confidence I believe it to be although its only an empty gas filled balloon of ego, a balloon which always gives a sense of high self worth and nothing else. Ego, a small word it may seem, yet it’s incredible what it can do to you. Its lethality can only be compared with fanaticism if you have to. Both of them completely snubs out reason and rationale. You may argue ‘anger’ can also do that, yes it can, but only momentarily and not on a sustained basis as by the other two. If you doubt how on earth can ego be compared with fanaticism, I tell you ego is deadlier than fanaticism, just that you have to keep a discerning eye.

This friend of mine, ego that is, has been so helpful to me, ‘my prime aid’. He makes people hollow from inside and seemingly larger in size so that I can take full advantage of that. Bigger things have larger inertia, you see.

There is this large country called United People. It’s my prime haven. I have been so lucky to have found such a large home and the world so unlucky that my home actually managed to commit a mistake which is so gross, so deadly; even more than the fanatics; yes, I say more than the fanatics. They were this large consumers; consumers who consumed everything. Their appetite was so gigantic that they had to take loans after loans just to fill up their stomachs. And as the banks started giving loans I took full control and kept on pushing them more and more. I was there so happy, everybody liked me so much. But then sometime in the mid of the autumn the country and the world got a rude shock. Earlier it was a merry time for the rest of the world as they kept on producing and the large country kept on consuming. But now things were different, the large country faltered. When a father is at fault it’s the family which is devastated, when the Big Daddy is at fault it’s catastrophe for the world.

Anyways I still managed to remain in that country. I told you, it has been so homely to me. True, with the jolt I too had to suffer somewhat but I retained my position. The government tried to do so many things to contain the cataclysm, but you have to take me into account, you just cannot discount me. I don’t like to change and if somehow I do, I can’t do it again and again. So I didn’t budge a millimetre. Banks were nationalised, the government secured the ills created by the sheer act of stupidity, but still the storm did not abet. How would it, I with my friend ego made sure change was difficult. I’ll tell you how. The money poured in did not find the correct destination and instead ended up as bonuses and salary rises to those same culprits who caused the catastrophe. Stupidity is another intoxication people like to indulge in, I must tell you and like any other habit is hard to get rid of. So you see how I work. The salary rise was not because people started to move on it was because the country never wanted to control any of it. It is market economy that they thrived on and that is what they want to maintain.

They have this sense of high self worth which I mentioned before; ego that is. How could they now change a policy which they have advocated so proudly for years? They could not manage without nationalising some institutions lest they drowned from being currently neck deep in water. But how could they change the whole policy towards more control? What if the new policy of theirs is called “neo-socialism” instead of “neo-capitalism”? It’s a major risk they can’t afford. It would right away put egg on their face. And you thought they cared about another catastrophe lurking few years from now? Can they publicly accept they were wrong? Huh!! Ego I told you is much more lethal than you ever thought.

But hey! Are you thinking this is some kind of self realisation for me? Or else why am I being so ungrateful to the beloved home of mine? Am I not being profane, if I may say so? To tell you the truth yes it is a self realisation. I now realise if I still I don’t budge a millimetre the world could be in greater danger. Since the day I learnt that because the large country consumed lesser cars; people in some arid, rough African countries full of aluminium and iron mines have stopped sending their children to school as they now have no work and no money, I have felt I am doing no good to the world. I may not like the idea of change as it is against my nature, but the law of the nature has to prevail.
“Change One Must”
The world would do well without me and my prime aid.


  1. Mr. Ego...It is time for you to disappear now.

  2. It did take a number of times reading to fathom the essence of the matter but when i did i was left amazed.......incredible imagination and eve better potrayal....Mr.Inertia...well done!!!!!

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  5. For a second there I was blank.... then came lots of thoughts crashing like waves on a rocky shore.
    A thought provoking work indeed.

  6. I would have guessed... this was coming! :)
    The Red Flag...huh! :)

    But again... I love the portrayal!
    Do keep me updated about your blogs... love reading 'em! :)
