Tuesday, January 19, 2010

'24' and Anil Kapoor

Before I start, this is a long time since I last wrote something here. Though I have plenty of things in my mind, its just that I did'nt put my pen to paper (more precisely my fingers on the keyboard).

Yesterday I watched what I waited for a long time. That's the TV series '24'. May be I'll put off a few people here by my repeated mention of this TV series. I agree its difficult to appreciate something which you have not seen yourself. But the only reason I'm writing about it is because of our own Anil Kapoor. Yes, after Slumdog Millionaire happened to him he's now widely recognised in the west, or precisely, US. From the 2 episodes I saw, his acting was above average though not fabulous. He has got considerable screen presence, which I frankly speaking, did'nt expect.
Moving on, his act as a President of an imaginary country (though based on a real country) who has come to the US to sign a peace accord is convincing. As a matter of fact, sometimes he tries to put on a different accent as per the demand of the role (not US accent mind you) and sometimes he completely forgets to do that. The requirement of the role to talk at a lesser pace has helped him though. It's no Jack Bauer with his verbal blitzkrieg and the son-of-a-b@#$ act for those who can understand what I am talking about.
All in all Kapoor is convincing in his act. '24' is a hugely popular TV series in US and outside and Kapoor for being able to bag a role and have a considerable and vital part, a picture in the main promotional banner and his name in the main credits is super achievement. Oscar or no Oscar, leveraging his new found popularity or not, he has surely done us proud.
Lets cheer for him for once. Kudos Anil Kapoor!!
I for sure will look forward to the upcoming episodes with bated breath. Kapoor and Jack in a single frame is what I'm waiting for!!